Germany has been an example to the rest of the world as a country ready to accept these displaced. Haunted by the mistake of their past, Germany is trying to balance their acceptive ideology with the overwhelming amount of people.
2017 Quota for Refugees by Region

Germany uses recommendation of the UNHCR for the admission of foreigners for resettlement. Similar to Sweden, Germany chooses from candidates from information provided to them and considers based on criteria:
preservation of family unity
family or other ties in Germany conducive to integration
ability to become integrated (indicators: level of school and occupational training;
work experience; language skills; young age)
need for protection
The International Organization for Migration (IOM) is entrusted with organizing the transfer of people to Germany. The Federal Office for Migration and Refugees in Nuernberg/ Germany (BAMF) informs IOM who is authorized to depart, IOM then books the flights and provides the BAMF with the travel details.
Resettled refugees receive a temporary residence permit, which so far has been issued for three years and can be extended consecutively. Equal to refugees recognized in the German asylum/ refugee status are able to gainful employment, participate in language and integration classes as well as to social benefits similar to German nationals. However, as long as resettled refugees receive social welfare to maintain themselves, their residence is restricted to the district where they were assigned to live. The local authorities / NGOs are mainly involved in the post-arrival process.